One minute
Dakic Online Ai Makes Song
I asked ChatGPT-3.5 to make a song about our mission to make a world a better place, here is what it came up with:
Innovation and technology,
They make our lives so bright,
They bring us all together,
And help us see the light.
Dakic OnLine, the name we know,
The company with a vision,
To make our world a better place,
With endless innovation.
Through software, through devices,
Through all the things we see,
Dakic OnLine brings us closer,
To the world we want to be.
Making people’s lives better,
Is what this company strives for,
With every new creation,
They open up new doors.
So let us all applaud them,
For the work they do each day,
For bringing us a brighter world,
And showing us the way.
P.S. Version 4 did better but it is longer and more cerebral song, yet this one is simpler and more readable in my view.
154 Words
2023-03-15 04:11