3 minutes
Year of Creative Experiments
I am part of the NessLabs community and recently a member of NessLabs, a lovely women presented a topic of a whole year of creative experiments.
Idea is to always have some small projects to work on, that will be limited in scope and will bring you joy and happiness of exploring new areas in your life or expanding existing ones.
It works like this:
- Make a list of experiments you would like to do
- You would pick a single experiment every month.
- They also need to be small and easily achievable
- Experiment has to be defined clearly with outcome and goal that you want to accomplish
You create a list of 12 things you will do throughout the year. Assign every experiment to month and start. And if you change your mind along the way, it is fine, replace, remove, add. But once you start working on something, do it till completion. Or at least try to finish it.
And if you fail in some, so what. There is always next month and another experiment waiting for you.
They just have to be small enough to be done in a month.
My modifications
I wanted to tweak this a little bit.
First I created a list of experiments that I would like to do. Not all are good to work in a month. So I decided to size them: S - small - 2 weeks M - medium - 4 weeks ie. a month L - large - 6 weeks (more like Jason Friend sprint)
One of the first is to write to blog just 3 posts and 15 microposts. This is for end of March goal.
Before that I re-created and re-thought image of Dakic OnLine. That turned out to be way more fun then I expected it to be. I thought I will just rethink who are customers are and how we want to serve them. In the end, I realized that what would make me happy is to be a force of good in this world and re-thought the whole mission. There is a blog post about it.
I already wrote about Remote Work. I have 2 part article about AI almost done. I would like to write about experience of having ADHD. I have some thoughts about modern management and planning, I will start writing about it and we will see if this makes sense or not.
So, I am already half way through my second experiment and it is fun and I am enjoying.
People are wired to create and this lets you make more and easier.
So this is my experience, maybe I can inspire you to also do this?
Here is original article: https://www.charlottegrysolle.com/creative-experiments/
452 Words
2023-03-19 00:00